All You Want to Know About Pregnancy After Menopause

Can You Get Pregnant After Menopause? |

The climacteric passes in several stages and its occurrence is considered to be a natural process of extinction of the reproductive capabilities of the female body. Estrogen is produced in small quantities, the ovaries decrease in size and ovulation ceases. But, many women are concerned about the question: can you get pregnant after menopause and how to protect yourself at this time?

According to gynecologists, after 45 years, the number of unwanted pregnancies increases sharply. And this does not happen at all because of the high fertility of this period – on the contrary, it is reduced due to the extinction of ovarian activity. Being in menopause and pregnant is possible if you do not use contraception. A woman after 2-3 years from the onset of the climacteric begins to think that she is not capable of conception, ceases to be protected, which leads to pregnancy. So, can you get pregnant during menopause? Yes, you can.

What Is The Danger of Being a Menopause Pregnant?

When women ask a gynecologist if they can become pregnant during the menopausal period, they most often fear an unplanned conception. Experts do not recommend giving birth after 45 years, and this has its own explanations. Firstly, by this age, the risk of pregnancy complications, its severe course, sharply increases. Delivery is carried out mainly by the cesarean section, which creates an additional burden on the cardiovascular system of a middle-aged woman.

Also, menopause and pregnant dramatically increase the risk of intrauterine pathologies. Unlike men, in whom the seminal fluid is constantly updated, a woman is born with a certain number of eggs. And all her life she lives with them. Adverse factors (illness, smoking, alcohol intake, stress) can accumulate certain problems in female reproductive cells. The older the woman, the greater the negative impact on the eggs.

Can Women Get Pregnant After Menopause

The question “can you get pregnant after menopause?” is of interest to many women. The last stage of the menopause is postmenopause. It starts from 50-55 years and continues to very old age. In most women, menstruation ceases by age 50. Then, menopause goes into postmenopause. It is believed that pregnancy is impossible. But, there are cases when, due to the absence of menstruation for more than a year, pregnancy occurred. Can a woman get pregnant after menopause? Yes, she can.

Before stopping protection, undergo an ultrasound scan, donate blood to hormones to make sure that there is no risk of becoming pregnant during menopause and after the climacteric changes.

Artificial Menopause And Pregnancy

Sometimes, when asking a question “can you get pregnant after menopause”, women mean the onset of a favorable conception after artificial menopause. With the help of special drugs that are selected by gynecologists, menstruation stops and the ovaries enter the period of rest. Artificial menopause is used to treat many diseases of the female genital organs, including uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and neoplasms. Some tumors are hormone-dependent. They stop their growth after a woman is introduced into a state of artificial climacteric. Medical artificial menopause is reversible – a woman can become pregnant within 6-12 months after stopping the administration of prescribed drugs. Well, can a woman get pregnant after menopause? Yes, she can if it was an artificial climacteric.