Lowell Herb Co. Heralds Organic Marijuana Movement
The legalization of marijuana in several states not only opened honest doors for proponents, but legalization also created a cottage industry. The sale of marijuana represents commerce. While the average person directs focus on the sale aspect, not everyone thinks of cultivation and farming. Entities such as Lowell Herb Co, an organic cannabis farm in California is one such enterprise. The farm is known for its production of Lowell Smokes. While some may be familiar with Lowell Smokes, they might not be aware of how the organic marijuana industry operates. Perhaps it is time to shed some light on how things work.
As with any product, consumers want quality in the marijuana they purchase. Some may smoke the herb and others prefer edibles, and everyone wants something of quality. Organic growing seeks to achieve that desired level of quality.
Unfortunately, some users maintain a somewhat troubling definition of quality. They focus their attention solely on potency. Consumers have a right to choose products based on many factors, but the strength shouldn’t necessarily be the only attribute to direct attention. Look at the cultivation process as well. Individual growers might not adhere to the most health-conscious of approaches to growing the product. No one would knowingly embrace something with unhealthy additives, but they may very well be doing that when making a purchase.
People purchase fruits and vegetables from organic stores because the sellers promise no pesticides and other unhealthy additives find their way into the products. “Buy organic” became a rallying cry for people concerned about the quality of their food. Why not follow the same path when purchasing marijuana. Going with organic cannabis might be the best plan.
Making healthier decisions should be a top priority for everyone. Sadly, many people ignore wise advice about diet, exercise, and risk avoidance. They don’t apply health-conscious decisions to every facet of life. And yes, these facets do include the decisions that go into buying marijuana. Here is an uncomfortable truth: modern methods of farming aren’t always healthy. Whether these current approaches grow food or marijuana, some risks are present.
Mass production may be the biggest trouble maker in farming. Farms boost its profits by increasing production and minimizing losses. To attain these outcomes, farmers utilize toxic substances. Pesticides are likely the most well-known of poisonous substances. By spraying pesticides on crops, less insect-related losses occur. The drawback here is hard to miss. People consume the crops that were laden with pesticides.
And pesticides aren’t the only toxic substances as fertilizers can cause troubles as well. The entire organic movement represents a strategy to move away from these worrisome substances. The emergence of organic food stores shows millions of people worry about what they put into their body. Not everyone, however, takes this same attitude towards marijuana. They don’t stop to wonder about the similarities between potentially harmful food growth and marijuana farming. They should.
Difficulties do exist for marijuana farmers that employ organic methods. Since marijuana remains illegal on the federal level, growers can’t label pot as organic. So, consumers must perform research to find out.
The popularity of organic farming didn’t emerge overnight. Once the public learned of its value, a segment of the consumer public moved in the direction of buying only organic. Their numbers continue to grow.
Lowell Herb Co is an organic cannabis company. Its flagship product Lowell Smokes is now the number one pre-roll brand in California. The choice to use organic fertilizer allows the company, the first organic marijuana grower, to stand out. The pre-roll brand can now be found in 300 California dispensaries. Many celebrities are fond of the product, which further boosts the company’s profile.