Top 5 in hardware cosmetology for the fight against excess weight and cellulite

Tactics and allies for the war against Cellulite · Care to Beauty


Cryolipolysis, one of the most popular methods of figure correction in hardware cosmetology, was created as an alternative to invasive plastic surgery. It is based on the effect of cold on a certain part of the body. According to the so-called “adipose tissue paradox”, when exposed to low positive temperatures, fat cells crystallize, but other tissues (for example, nerves and blood vessels) remain intact. Those adipose tissue cells that were split during the procedure are removed from the body by a natural metabolic process.In which cases it is possible and impossible to use cryolipolysisThe procedure can be performed on any part of the body, whether it is the abdomen, legs, buttocks or the area of the inner surface of the shoulder. The manipulations carried out are absolutely painless, during the session the client can distract himself and even read.But it is better to abandon the procedure if the patient has an allergy to cold, various skin diseases, epilepsy, severe kidney and liver diseases, as well as malignant formations. Cryolipolysis is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and patients with a pacemaker installed.

The cost of the procedure

From 250 to 500 euros for one session. The price spread of cryolipolysis is so large because it depends on many factors. First of all, the price formation is influenced by the equipment (brand and country of origin), its technical characteristics. Also, the price depends on the number of impact zones.To notice the first result, you will have to wait about 2-3 weeks. If the volume of fat deposits is small, and the thickness of adipose tissue is no more than 3-4 cm, you can stop at one session. If the thickness of fat deposits is more than 4 cm, it is better to conduct several sessions.The duration of the procedure may also vary depending on the equipment used. On average, a cryolipolysis session lasts from 35 to 60 minutes. To maximize the effectiveness of cryolipolysis, it is better to give up alcohol and junk food for a while after the procedure. It is also worth increasing the amount of water consumed per day to help the body start the process of removing split cells.After cryolipolysis, a hardware lymphatic drainage massage is necessarily performed. Please note that cryolipolysis does not fight cellulite and irregularities on the skin, it only reduces the percentage of the fat layer.The procedure is medical and should be carried out exclusively in clinics!

Liposphere Therapy

The origins of this technique go back to high-mountain Switzerland. Liposphere Therapy is an absolutely safe, non-rehabilitative, effective, and non-invasive way to combat imperfections of the figure. Liposphere Therapy is perfect for those who have not been able to get rid of cellulite for a long time, and still haven’t found an effective way. Liposphere Therapy has a minimum of contraindications and excludes violation of the integrity of the skin, especially general anesthesia. The device of the ROLSONE Laser Sphere brand, on which the Liposphere Therapy procedure is performed, combines two methods of dealing with problem areas on the body at once – a deep roller massage and laser lipolysis with a wavelength of 1064 nm. This wavelength provides the deepest penetration of laser rays into all layers of the dermis, and the vibration emanating from the roller massage affects even muscle tissue.The result of the procedure can be seen after the first visit to a specialist. After the first session, the natural processes of physiological lipolysis and lymphatic drainage are started, which are responsible for splitting and removing fat cells from the body in a natural way. And due to the stimulation of the production of collagen, which fights cellulite, the overall condition of the skin significantly improves.

Liposphere Therapy  is an innovative integrated solution

People have increasingly begun to prefer this particular technique because Liposphere Therapy does not give any painful sensations during the procedure and is one hundred percent safe. Absolutely does not require recovery after the procedure. It also eliminates scars and serious health risks, especially if you follow all the recommendations of a specialist, and the effect can rightly be called noticeable and long-lasting.

The cost of the procedure

The cost of 1 procedure (lasting 1 hour) is about 50 euros.The cost of the 1st course is 500-600 euros.The recommended amount for maximum efficiency is 12 sessions.The procedure is medical and can be performed in clinics or in salons with a license to operate in the field of hardware cosmetology.


Quite a young technique on the Russian market. Icoone technology is based on a laser of a smaller wave than that of Liposphere Therapy, only 915 nm, however, the procedure provides drainage and elasticity of the skin. The procedure takes place both with a laser and an LED, and without them.

Who needs it?

Icoone is used for patients who have recently lost weight and want to tighten the skin, which has not had time to adapt to new volumes. With the help of Icoone exposure, you can reduce puffiness and eliminate the aesthetic defects of the skin that have appeared. The procedure is more suitable for those patients who have a small percentage of fat deposits. Those who suffer from fat deposits with a thickness of more than 3-4 cm, it is recommended to first undergo a course of nutrition correction and systematic sports, and only then correct the figure with the help of Icoone technology.Icoone is a gentle procedure and it can and should be used in combination with RF and lipospherotherapy for a more pronounced effect.

The cost of the procedure

The cost of one session is from 40 to 80 euros a sessionThe course for 5 sessions is 200-400 euros.The recommended duration of one session is from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.The procedure is medical and is carried out exclusively in clinics or salons with a license to operate in the field of hardware cosmetology.

B-FLEXY Anti-cellulite treatment

B-flexy vacuum roller massage equipment is designed to correct the figure and get rid of cellulite. Not to be confused with LPG. During the session, unique manipulators of different calibers and designs are used, in which negative pressure is created, stimulating different layers of the skin. Due to the increased working area, one manipulator can capture the largest part of the body.

The achieved effect

B-flexy vacuum roller massage removes cellulite, helps to reduce the percentage of fat, works in a comprehensive program for the correction of stretch marks of various origins, tightens the skin, and improves overall well-being. During the session, the process of active lymphatic drainage is started and blood circulation improves.Many people are concerned about the risk of experiencing painful sensations during the procedure performed for the first time. But there can be no pain during the massage. The impact power is selected individually for each client.

What do you need to know?

In order to get the maximum effect, the B-flexy massage procedure must be repeated at least twice a week, every two days. And so up to 10-12 sessions within a month. Since the B-flexy vacuum roller massage starts the process of lymphatic drainage in the body, it is advisable to drink up to two liters of water a day during the entire course.

The cost of the procedure

Even a whole course of procedures with B-flexy equipment has very affordable prices.1 complex procedure lasting 60 minutes – up to 15 euros.Subscription for 12 visits-from 150 to 300 euros.The B-flexy procedure is the care and is equivalent to a SPA. You can visit it in any beauty salon. At the same time, a beauty salon does not need to have a license to perform this procedure. You will most often find it in the SPA area or in specialized figure correction studios.

Endospheres therapy

Endospheres therapy is based on roller massage. This technique includes a micro-vibration technology that fights cellulite, corrects body shapes.The action of the device is based on compression, whereas most other similar procedures are based on stretching the tissues. Compression stimulates the work of metabolic processes, such as the elimination of harmful substances from the body.

Expectation and reality

The visual effect appears after the first visit of a specialist. Since after the procedure, about 800 g of liquid is excreted from the body. In order for more global changes to appear, you need to visit 6-8 procedures. But for the greatest effect, it is recommended to take a course consisting of 12 sessions, between which you should take a three-day break.


Before the Endospheres therapy session, it is necessary to consult a doctor regarding the presence of possible contraindications. This includes:

  • Herpes
  • Different degrees of acne
  • Dermatitis and dermatosis in the acute stage
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Oncology
  • Pregnancy

But there are no weight restrictions. But if the bodyweight is very large, it is best, together with the Endosphere session, to observe a gentle diet, water balance and not neglect physical exercises.

The cost of the procedure

The cost of 1 session for the body-from 60 euros.Subscription for 6 procedures-from 250 euros.

What conclusions can be drawn?

As you can see, not all of these methods are suitable for everyone without exception. There are contraindications and disadvantages everywhere. But the most gentle, absolutely painless, and at the same time, the most effective in the world of modern hardware cosmetology are procedures that activate the natural physiological processes in the body. Especially if we are talking about the eternal struggle of women around the world with annoying cellulite. Whatever you choose, always pay attention to the list of recommendations and contraindications, and also be sure to consult a specialist.
